Saturday, September 22, 2012

The first defense against the Mongol hordes

Today we went to the Great Wall. The massive steps and continuous climbing made my legs as sore as they have been, especially when added to some basketball that we played after our Friday test. I mostly wandered around trying to find my own bit of wall, finally succeeding around the parts that have fallen into disrepair, where you aren't technically supposed to enter. Other than that, I will let my pictures speak for themselves.

On Friday, after some remarkably terrible shooting and a quick loss to a trio of Chinese college students, some classmates and I went out for dinner and then met up with a few other friends (including a friend from IMUSE) for KTV.

Definitely a good few days.


  1. Several thoughts - what's KTV?
    the top picture of the wall is one of the best I've ever seen of it. I LOVE the fact that you've put such a massively tall mountain in the background and that we can see the wall winding around it too. It creates a sense of scale which is wonderful!

    When I first read this sentence "On Friday, after some remarkably terrible shooting and a quick loss to a trio of Chinese college students, some classmates and I went out for dinner", I was skimming it quickly and here's what I got out of it - I must have thought you no longer had command of the English language since you're only speaking Chinese these days! - "On Friday, there was a terrible shooting which resulted in the loss of three Chinese students. After that, some classmates and I went out for dinner." I couldn't understand how you could be so unaffected by the shooting of three Chinese college students - were they at your college? Did you know them? Then you went to dinner? Huh? I just couldn't quite wrap my head around it! Then I took a deep breath and re-read what you really wrote and breathed a sigh of relief and put it together with what you'd written about playing basketball and shooting hoops! Sheesh!! Next time I'll read more carefully from the beginning!

    Hope your legs have recovered and that all is well!

  2. Oh, one more thing - that praying mantis traveled a long way since you took its picture and ended up on my red Econolodge hotel door in PA this morning! He told me you sent your greetings! Thanks!
